Hello Parents, Educators, Students, Administrators and schools across the United States!
During these unprecedented times, our team at the “Core Purpose Education Consulting Group” has tried to find a way to truly be part of the solution and support schools, students, parents and administrators. In such, here is how we think we can serve everyone during this time and going forward to connect, empower and support a healthy culture within each child’s unique learning environment. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Together, we can Help American Educational Systems be Healthy!
Professional Development Training
Trainings Offered
Options within the Trainings
1. Comprehensive Healthy Culture - Design and Implementation of all areas listed below
2. Social & Emotional Climate - Healthy Hour, MTSS, PBIS, Mindfulness, Mental Health, Self Awareness, Mindfulness Rooms
3. Healthy School or Home Learning - Instructional Transitions, E-Portfolio, Healthy Workplace
4. Healthy Leadership (at school or remotely) - PLC, Equity, Train the Trainer, Resiliency, Team Building, On-line Learning, Data
5. Physical Activity - Before, During and After-School Programming, Physical Education, Recess & Healthy Hour Development
6. Healthy Classrooms or Home Spaces - Mindful Technology, Engagement, Movement Driven Learning, Healthy Design
7. Healthy Community - Student Wellness Advocacy Team, School Health Advisory Council, Minutes Out of Your Seat Contest,
8. Nutrition - Current Trends, Improved Energy and Academic Focus
*If you don't see what you are looking for, we will custom fit a training to fit the needs or your organization or environment.
Cost is for 4 + Hours per day and travel : Collectively, our team has trained adults and young adults in districts and schools in over 50 districts, 20 states and 2 foreign countries. We have been recognized by multiple agencies as national experts for excellence in the field of education and health and wellnes
The Ultimate Guide to Healthy School Design and Implementation: Version 1.0
This Ultimate guide to implementing the components to creating a healthy school! This guide contains modules on School Health Advisory Council Creation (SHAC), Recess Design and Implementation, Improving School Nutrition, High School School Health Design and Implementation, and Awards Criteria for Core Purpose Sapphire Apple Awards, as well as much, much more! With input from national leaders, this is the ultimate guide to creating a healthy campus!
Have you considered how a healthy school culture can improve academic achievement, increase student engagement, decrease discipline referrals as well as give America's youth an increased lifespan?
If so, you've come to the right place. Core Purpose Consulting and its Alliance Partners are featuring nationally recognized experts and we are here to take the health and wellness of our youth in schools to new heights. Welcomes to the official Launch of the Ultimate Healthy School Guide: Design & Implementation!
Whether it’s a beginning foundation or a complete transition to a comprehensive healthy school school, The Ultimate Healthy School Guide encompasses Healthy Classrooms, School, Community, Leadership and Nutrition
The Ultimate Healthy School Guide includes Dr. Chris Lineberry, CDC’s featured administrator in the 2019 Whole School Whole Child Whole Community (WSCC) videos and Shape America Administrator of the Year, Kylene Bogden, MS, RDN, CSSD, CLT, IFNCP, Team Nutritionist for the Cleveland Cavaliers NBA professional basketball team, Dr. W. Shane Hesse, former Arizona State University professor and nationally recognized movement driven learning curriculum designer and expert, former Shape America Teacher of the Year and creator of the original Minutes Out it Your Seat Contest sponsored by the NCAA Final Four PLOC as well as current building Administrators of the Year and Nationally Board Certified Teachers.
The Ultimate Healthy School Guide can be used by wellness champions, schools, districts, PTA's, School Health Advisory Councils and much more.
The Ultimate Healthy School Guide also includes overviews, support tools, worksheets, virtual coaching links to reinforce objectives, resources and upgrade options to explore in-person professional development training from our CPC team if you prefer an additional hands on approach to building your healthy school. The Guide even comes equipped with award and recognition programs for items accomplished within the Healthy School Guide.
The Ultimate Guide to Healthy Home Learning
The Ultimate Guide to Healthy "Home" Learning can be connected with any program, curriculum, or current online K-12 learning experience. This is a foundational tool that offers support, inspiration and virtual coaching to create and integrate the healthiest culture possible for your current learning situation. Healthy topics include: Social & Emotional Wellbeing/Climate, Physical Activity, Healthy Home Learning Spaces/Classrooms, Nutrition, Mindful Technology, Healthy Community, Healthy Student Leadership, Healthy Leadership and Online Platforming for Administrators, and Healthy Remote Schools, and Educational Equity.
Welcome! A Message from our Founders!
Hello Parents, Educators, Students, Administrators and schools across the United States!
During these unprecedented times, our team at the “Core Purpose Education Consulting Group” has tried to find a way to truly be part of the solution and support schools, students, parents and administrators. In such, here is how we think we can serve everyone during this time and going forward to connect, empower and support a healthy culture within each child’s unique learning environment.
1. Designed "The Ultimate Guide to Healthy "Home" Learning" for parents, students, teachers and administrators: PK-12 Grades
A. Additionally, we are offering scholarships, cost shares & financial aide for everyone needing financial assistance for the "Guide"
B. Our life coach, Maleesa, is offering 30 days of Free Life-Coaching with purchase the Healthy "Home" Learning Guide by 4/15
2. Developed a Quick Start Guide to Online Learning as a FREE resource
3. Offering Virtual Healthy Tutoring and Coaching sessions from our national experts: Academic & Non-Academic Integration
A. Your first tutoring/coaching session is FREE and additional sessions are significantly discounted.
B. We organized student leaders that can also connect as live tutors or coaches if you prefer the student to student interaction
Together, we can Help America be Healthy!
Recess Was My Favorite Subject.....Where Did It Go? Orders over 100 books are $38 a book.
As a first in a series, this book is a must for educators who believe that the REAL purpose of education goes beyond preparing students for taking tests, but believe instead that the purpose is about preparing children for life. With an historical analyses of childhood obesity in which our children are in the middle, the climbing rates of obesity nationally and internationally which is spiraling out of control, and the shocking physical, mental, and social co-morbidities entangled with obesity, the authors, as both educators and parents have found a remarkable solution for the disease: Recess, Was My Favorite Subject. This is our company's foundational book we suggest everyone that goes to our training takes home.
Whether you are a teacher who is disillusioned by the push for state testing or a principal with parents demanding change in their child's school (movement driven learning, recess periods that have activities promoting healthier and happier children, then this book is for you. As parents working in the business world or single or married or caregivers, this book will give you an opportunity to do the same activities your child or children are doing in school with teachers, thus making homework a family affair. Designed for teachers to maximize subject content in a real life integrated fashion with fun and movement for improved health and greater performance academically, your child will learn the art and science of mindfulness and living in the moment. Time and stress management is covered in a manner that students are learning these gifts of health and are seldom aware learning math, science and history can be fun.