Core Purpose Consulting's Dr. WiSH and Dr. Lineberry partner with the American School Health Association in March to deliver the Healthy School Webinar Series
Core Purpose Consulting partner with the Amphitheater District in Tucson, Arizona: Amphitheater is implementing the Ultimate Guide to Healthy School Design and Implementation in each of their secondary schools.
Core Purpose Consulting's Dr. Lineberry is the featured administrator in the 2019 CDC Whole School, Whole Child Whole Community (WSCC) Model Videos. Dr. Lineberry was also selected as one of 3 schools in the United States for the WSCC documentary coming soon.
Core Purpose Consulting's Dr. WiSH collaborates with ActiveSchoolsUS.org and its Alliance Partners in Washington DC and the official Launch of the Ultimate Guide to Healthy School Design and Implementation.
Core Purpose Consulting's Dr. WiSH, Dr. Lynn Miller and Dr. Chris Lineberry partner with the Nevada Department of Agriculture and Chef Anne from the Movie "Super Size Me" to lead and present in the first ever State-Wide Wellness Convention for Healthy Schools Design and Implementation in Nevada.
Core Purpose Consulting partners with Paradise Valley Unified School District in Arizona as Dr. WiSH, Dr. Chris Lineberry, Shannon Woodruff, Mark Kesler and MaLeesa Meyers deliver the Ultimate Guide to Healthy School Design and Implementation Professional Development at PVUSD's District Office
Dr. Chris Lineberry of Core Purpose Consulting was an invited speaker at the 2019 Arizona Health and Physical Education Conference. He was also given the 2019 Honor Award, the highest award Arizona Health and Physical Education gives out. In Previous years Arizona Health and Physical Education elected Dr. WiSH as the Arizona Physical Education Teacher of the Year and Dr. Lineberry as the Arizona Administrator of the Year.
Core Purpose Consulting's Dr. WiSH and Ryan Backstrom partners with Stetson Hills Elementary and Sandra Day O'Connor High School's Student Wellness Advocacy Team (SWAT) to facilitate a social & emotional speech regarding anti-vaping to their 4th graders in Arizona. This was an entirely student-led accomplishment.
Core Purpose Consulting's Dr. WiSH and Dr. Chris Lineberry partner with Basis Charter Schools for our Trauma Sensitive Classroom Professional Development Training.
Core Purpose Consulting's Dr. WiSH, Maleesa Meyers and Claire Fifield partner with Sanda Day O'Connor High School in Arizona at the bi-annual Student Wellness Advocacy Team (SWAT) Healthy School Presentation Day. Maleesa and Claire were the celebrity guest judges and Dr. WiSH was the Host of the Event.
Core Purpose Consulting partners with the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services to design the Train the Trainers Course for Movement Driven Learning concepts for all Districts in Nevada.
Core Purpose Consulting's Dr. Hesse and Dr. Lineberry speak in front of the Senate and live on ACTV as advocates of the Arizona Recess Bill SB 1083 that was just passed.
Core Purpose Consulting Creates the Healthy Arizona Workplace Program (HAWP 102) for Arizona Schools (not yet released). HAWP is a division of the Maricopa County Healthy Department
For more information about HAWP or the
Healthy Arizona Worksite Award, please go to www.healthyAZworksites.org or contact Sherry Haskins at (480) 372-7034or via email at [email protected]. |
Core Purpose Team leads the Train the Trainers Course for Healthy School Design at the State Department of Nevada: Department of Agriculture
The Core Purpose Team partners with the NCAA Final Four Phoenix Local Organizing Committee to launch the Minutes Out of Your Seat Contest in conjunction with the Final Four Contest.
The Core Purpose Team Shoots their first online series of professional development seminars. The footage captured was the live training or Stetson Hills Elementary School, Constitution Elementary, Sandra Day O'Connor HS and Paseo Hills Elementary in the Deer Valley Unified School District.
The Core Purpose Team Delivers a professional development seminar at Avondale Middle School: Introducing the Minutes Out of Your Seat Contest.
The Core Purpose Team partners with ISAAC School District and delivers the Healthy School Professional Development Training
Core Purpose Consulting's Dr. Lineberry Speaks at the Ad-Hoc Committee Meeting in
Phoenix, Az.
Phoenix, Az.
Dr. Lineberry spoke at the Ad-Hoc committee meeting in Phoenix on January 20, 2017. Along with other colleagues testimony, a new three point "extra-credit" section has been added to the Arizona A-F Accountability Committee recommendations to go to the state board. This means that schools who promote health and wellness have the opportunity to be recognized for that on their "Report Card".
Core Purpose Consulting's Dr. Lineberry and Governor Ducey speak at Stanfield Elementary
Dr. Lineberry won the Governor's Council $100,000 Fitness Center Award from Governor Ducey and Body by Jake Seinfeld.
Core Purpose Consulting's Dr. WiSH patterns with Avondale Middle School to assist in launching their after school physical activity programs.
Core Purpose Consulting's Dr. Miller and Dr. WiSH partners with Stetson Hills Elementary for the implementation of CPC's Minutes Out of Your Seat Contest and Movement Driven Learning professional development training in Arizona.
Core Purpose Consulting's Dr. Miller and Dr. WiSH partners with Barcelona Elementary for the implementation of CPC's Minutes Out of Your Seat Contest in Arizona.
Core Purpose Consulting's Dr. WiSH partners with Barcelona Elementary for the implementation of CPC's Minutes Out of Your Seat Contest in Arizona.
Core Purpose Consulting Co-Founders speak to the teacher candidates at Arizona State University about Healthy and Active Schools
Core Purpose Consulting's Dr. Miller and Dr. Lineberry speak to the importance of building a healthy and active school culture to teacher candidates of the Mary Lou Fulton Teacher College at Arizona State University (ASU). Core Purpose Consulting's Dr. Hesse designed the ASU course in which the video speaks to the students of this course, who's mission is to go create a Healthy and Active School Environment in the school they are doing their student teaching in as well as when they get their first job as teachers.